Saturday, February 09, 2008

Rick Warren Calls for Reconciliation Between Mainline (Liberal) Churches and Evangelicals

The Christian Post has an interesting article about what Rick Warren said at his recent appearance at the National Cathedral.

Megachurch pastor Rick Warren suggested Sunday that mainline churches need to reconcile with evangelicals to counter its mounting problem of membership decline.
“(Warren said) The reconciliation is that in a pluralistic world…we (Christians) need to be on the same team because we share the same savior,” [Emphasis Mine]
The story continued...
“100 years ago the phrase ‘social gospel’ first came out,” Warren responded. “Some people took that to mean only if we reform the social government and society and not personal faith in Christ Jesus – that is, if we make the world a better place – we don’t need personal redemption.”
That idea led to mainline churches going “one way” and evangelical churches another way, he said.In general, mainline churches focused on social morality such as fighting poverty, racism and economic justice. Meanwhile, evangelical churches concentrated on personal morality such as personal salvation, fighting pornography, and upholding family values.
“Who’s right? The fact is both are right,” Warren emphasized. “Somehow we got divided like Jesus didn’t care about society or members of society didn’t need Jesus. I think we need both.”
Okay...yesterday I posted a video of Emergent Uber Guru Brian McLaren asking questions about whether Christianity is too closely tied to the west. I asked ya’ll to put away your opinions of McLaren and rather than react to McLaren to instead interact with the questions he brought up.
As soon as I posted the video I received a couple of emails asking me if I was alright. The discussion on the video was so underwhelming that I hear crickets chirping every time I open that post. Fact is I was conducting an experiment to see how well we can warm up to and work with and interact with a man who says he’s a Christian yet at every turn has been questioning and undermining fundamental Christian doctrines including the doctrine of Christ’s Substitutionary Atonement.
Truth is, I found it VERY hard to even post the video, yet alone bring myself to ask my readers to ‘put away their opinions of McLaren’ regardless of how good some of his questions may have been. (they weren’t that great).
So back to Rick Warren.
Warren is actually calling for me to reconcile with people like McLaren and Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori (liberals) because 'Christians of all stripes' need to be on the same team because WE SHARE THE SAME SAVIOR.

I will NOT be reconciled to people who call themselves Christians yet deny that the Bible is the inerrant word of God.
I will NOT be reconciled to people who call themselves Christians yet deny that Jesus Christ rose bodily from the grave.
I will NOT be reconciled to people who call themselves Christians who openly defy God’s word by ordaining homosexuals.
I will NOT be reconciled to people who call themselves Christians yet deny that salvation is found only in Jesus Christ.
I will NOT be reconciled to people who call themselves Christians yet deny that Jesus Christ died on the cross as my substitute for my sins.

I do not care how well meaning the liberal social causes may be. If there is ever to be reconciliation then they will have to repent of their rebellion against God and His Word, defrock their homosexual and female ministers, abandon all their 'scholarship' that claims the Bible is a human product, confess Jesus' bodily resurrection, confess that Jesus died for our sins as our substitute and confess that Jesus is the ONLY way of salvation. Then and only then will I believe that we share the same savior.
Pastor Warren thinks he's doing God's work by trying to reconcile the two wings of Christianity. BUT, Because his reconciliation is not based upon their repentance, he is not doing God's work. Instead he is doing the work of the prince of darkness.
Further Reading: For a complete run down and refutation of Liberal Christianity I recommend that you download and read Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Rick is out of his mind!!!!!
No compromise. What do light and darkness have in common?!