Friday, March 23, 2007

IT WAS NO ACT.................

Luke 22:44
And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

Gethsemane makes clear that Jesus’ death was not playacting.

He was truly troubled in the garden. He and the Father were not winking at one another.

There was a brief running TV quiz show with a twist. The contestant entered a “chamber of torture.” He or she might be exposed to flames and high heat or to rain and freezing temperatures while answering questions.

The more questions answered correctly, the worse the conditions got. But it was a game.

The chamber would shut down before conditions could get too unbearable or the contestants called it quits.

The crucifixion was not a game show.

Jesus would, and did, face fully the physical and spiritual punishment due the guilty world.
The events beginning in Gethsemane and leading up to the cross do not form a story made up by theologians to illustrate Jesus’ love for us.

His suffering is not a myth intended to enact the suffering that mankind goes through for redemption or fulfillment. The Son of God took on flesh and died, really died, for us.

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