They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This logo says much much more than anything we could say. This is the logo for Faith House in Manhattan. This is an Emergent organization whose supporters include Brian McLaren and Tony Campolo. Here is what their mission statement says"
"OUR MISSION: We want to start a new kind of community in which we can discover The Other (individuals or groups other than those we belong to), deepen our personal and corporate journeys, and together participate in repairing the world. In this endeavor we will honor and learn from teachings, practices, and suffering of people from religions, philosophies, and worldviews, different from our own. Instead of isolating ourselves into like-minded groups or melting together into a single-minded organization, we will learn to live together with our differences and in a way that contributes to the wellbeing, peace, joy, and justice in the world. In this endeavor we will always be a courageous, hospitable and learning community."
"OUR MISSION: We want to start a new kind of community in which we can discover The Other (individuals or groups other than those we belong to), deepen our personal and corporate journeys, and together participate in repairing the world. In this endeavor we will honor and learn from teachings, practices, and suffering of people from religions, philosophies, and worldviews, different from our own. Instead of isolating ourselves into like-minded groups or melting together into a single-minded organization, we will learn to live together with our differences and in a way that contributes to the wellbeing, peace, joy, and justice in the world. In this endeavor we will always be a courageous, hospitable and learning community."
We as Christians are called to proclaim and defend the ONE and ONLY way of salvation through Jesus Christ alone. The Emergent Church for years has been deconstructing and attacking these exclusive truths and have instead embraced relativism, openness and syncretism. This is a great example of the bad fruit being produced by the Emergent tree.
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