Thursday, December 20, 2007

Truth Matters Responds to Christian Life Center


It was nice to hear from you.

Let me jump right into this response by letting you know that my only purpose in contacting CLC is the same purpose I have in contacting other churches and pastors when it concerns the misuse of Holy Scripture. Before I continue, though, I must make it very clear that my last email was, if my memory serves me correctly, addressed to David Cawston and Del Smith who are the leaders of Christian Life Center. Why is it that you as the church secretary are responding to my email when you were not even included on the distribution list? Don’t the men who claim to be the leaders of the church have enough strength of character to address my concerns directly? This seems to be a common problem with churches I encounter that have a seeker-friendly mentality, including your own. Men want to stand behind the pulpit, but not behind what they teach.

Even though I find your reply evasive on their part, I will respond under the assumption that it comes with the intents and beliefs of the leadership team at CLC.

Now I will respond to the content of your email.

I find the entire email evasive to the points I addressed in my last email concerning Jentezen Franklin and his horrendous misuse of Scripture.

In response to your use of 1 Samuel 24, you and the leadership team of CLC have pulled this Scripture out of context as it relates to my last email. As we see in verse 5 of Chapter 24, David’s conscience did bother him and also in verse 6 we see that David did recognize that the Lord Himself had placed Saul into Kingship. Thus, the judgment and removal of Saul had to be left to God, and not to David. You have used these verses to make the assumption that David Cawston, Del Smith and Jentezen Franklin and the leadership team of CLC are in the same way also God’s anointed. Here is where I must be very clear: God does not place his anointing upon those who stray from sound doctrine. Using 1 Samuel 24 in reference to the false teachings I mentioned of Jentezen Franklin and the apparent embracing of this teaching by the CLC leadership team is a wrong analogy, and therefore it must be dismissed.

You also made the comment that I need to “return to my first love.” I must make it very clear it is because of my true love for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that I am commanded and compelled and my conscience is held captive by Holy Scripture to contend for the truth.

With that said, let me again get back to the point at hand. God’s blessings as taught by the Word of Faith movement and Jentezen Franklin cannot be bought; are extremely contrary to the teaching of Holy Scripture; and extremely dangerous. In fact, our Lord says “Beware of the false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruit.” (Matthew 7:15,16). Know that it is with great sadness that I see CLC not only embrace these wolves, but welcome them in the front door, and then teach these same doctrines.

Please also know that Holy Scripture tells us in II Timothy 4:3,4 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.”

What I believe we see here in men like Jentezen Franklin and the leadership team of CLC is teaching that is popular and gets the best reaction from the crowd, not what is truthful and Biblically sound. Feelings, reactions and a large crowd do not always equal the presence of God Almighty.

Know that the leadership team of CLC will be held accountable to God Almighty for what it is they teach and what they embrace and will be held accountable for this night in which they have -with prior warning- released a wolf to prey on and devour innocent lives.

It is my hearts desire and prayer that through the grace of God, the hearts of those that lead CLC are opened to the truth of God’s Holy Word and that they would repent and begin to lead CLC through the power of Scripture alone. (Sola Scriptura).

Rev. Charles J. Paul

1 comment:

Shannon said...


Woe unto CLC to be unreceiving of a rebuke.

Matt 7:15 "Beware of the false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves."

This is the perfect example of easy believerism and seeker friendliness in the church today.

Titus 1:9 "Hold fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict."

P.S.My opinion is that money and people-pleasing (not God pleasing) is what determines the steps at CLC. We all know that there is much to be said about this, but we'll leave it at that.