Sunday, June 29, 2008

Answering your questions By Rev. Charles J. Paul

Thank you for your questions. I pray that the questions are a blessing to everyone. Let’s take them one at a time.

1) You said that we sometimes question God. What do you mean by the term "question" God? What are some of the ways that we question God? The term question God was used to illustrate the way we sometimes view God. Our view of God can sometimes get so small that we find ourselves questioning His very majesty and Holiness. This will lead us to also look at our own personal and families spiritual growth as not the main focus that it must be.

2) We have clearly been given a great privilege as mankind has been created a little lower than God. Do we have responsibilities with this authority? What might be some of our responsibilities? First of all we must know that we are not God. But Stewarts of what God Himself has placed before us. Each of us has a very real responsibility to this call in our life. We are to daily conform to the image of the one True God who created us. And who also redeemed us from our fallen state of sin.

3) How do we keep the majesty of God in our minds and in our lives on an on-going, daily basis? Discipline. For me to tell you that this is easy would be false. It is hard work we must daily stay before Him in prayer and in the reading and studying of His Word. Also through the fellowship of other believers we will see our witness shine to this lost world. Remember it is a Holy Holy Holy God we serve.

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