Sunday, June 29, 2008

Some questions from the sermon Man and God

preached by Rev. Charles J. Paul
Sunday, June 29, 2008 / Psalm 8

Pastor Chuck,

During your sermon this morning you made some statements that raised serveral questions in my mind, and perhaps in others' minds as well. I am hopeful you can clarify the following questions:

1) You said that we sometimes question God. What do you mean by the term "question" God? What are some of the ways that we question God?

2) We have clearly been given a great privilege as mankind has been created a little lower than God. Do we have responsibilities with this authority? What might be some of our responsibilities?

3) How do we keep the majesty of God in our minds and in our lives on an on-going, daily basis?

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Very good questions. It can be challenging to keep the magesty of God in the forefront of our minds daily.