Thursday, November 30, 2006

When the odds are against you!

As an ex pro boxer I can tell you of many times when all the odds and the kitchen sink were against me, and I am sure you can also think of many times when you felt the same way or maybe like me are feeling that way right now in your life.

I would like us to step back today and face what we are going through from the side of Gods grace. You see when we look at our lives and what we are facing through Gods eyes then their is no such thing as odds, you see when I fought in the ring I thought more to the effect of the best man will win, and in a sense we do need to put our best foot forward and be ready to work hard everyday.

But can the odds be for us or against us in life, I say to that no their is no such thing as chance or bad breaks, but their is without a doubt the sovereign hand of God that governs this world and our lives and our futures.

So what are we as believers to do when it is raining cats and dogs, and that rain cloud seems only to follow us.

We are to seek first the Kingdom of God, not the kingdom of the world
We are not to lean on what we think we should do to solve the problem or shift the odds

But we are to fully trust our Lord and Savior and He will make our way straight.

You see the odds in life are NEVER AGAINST YOU when you are doing what God has called you to do, and when you are going where He has told you to go.

Today I do not fight in a boxing ring any longer, but I do still fight everyday some things have changed I am no longer striving after the middle weight crown

But I am still striving after a crown of a much better value in fact it has an eternal value.

Today I no longer have the same corner man that I had during my carrier who always seemed to know just what to say.

But now I have God as my corner man, He not only knows what to say but He knows my beginning and my end, He is the same yesterday today and forever, He is my strength

One thing we must keep in mind about corner men is that they don't always give their fighter advice that is popular with the crowd around them.And it is the same with God as our corner man What He tells us to do according to His Word will not sit well with the world around us, but we are to be obedient in what we are told

and in the end when the final bell of life rings ALL THE GLORY WILL BE TO GOD ALONE.

and the fighter who fought the good fight and fought it as to win will then enter into his great reward.
And if He be in my corner who can be against me


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