Saturday, February 03, 2007


Especially since we have a feature on Charles Spurgeon in this month's issue of Reformation21, it seems like a good time to quote from that worthy London Baptist once again. As I have been preaching through Luke over the last several years I have tried to read all of the many sermons that Spurgeon preached on that magnificent Gospel. This quotation comes from his sermon

"The First Cry from the Cross":"My brethren, you must not live to yourselves; the accumulation of money, the bringing up of your children, the building of houses, the earning of your daily bread, all this you may do; but there must be a greater object than this if you are to be Christlike, as you should be, since you are bought with Jesus' blood. Begin to live for others, make it apparent unto all men that you are not yourselves the end-all and be-all of your own existence, but that you are spending and being spent, that through the good you do to men God may be glorified, and Christ may see in you his own image and be satisfied."

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