Sunday, June 10, 2007

Everybody Wants Reformation… but who is willing to let goods and kindred go?

A earnest plea for a day of prayer and fasting.
No fanfare; no programs; no religious leaders jockeying for media attention; no K-Street spin; no DVD’s or MP3’s to profit from; no books to promote; no CD’s to sell; no contests to judge; and no personality driven agendas to tolerate. But simply God’s people taking leave from the duties of their daily lives to humbly seek the Lord to bring revival, repentance, and reform to His church once again.
We need a new Reformation today beloved; we need another Great Awakening!
“O Christian, never be proud of things that are so transient, injurious, and uncertain as the riches of this evil world! But set your heart on the true and durable riches of grace in Christ Jesus.” -ISAAC AMBROSE
Read the entire article….

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