Saturday, April 28, 2007


I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; before the “gods” I will sing your praise. Psalm 138:1

Preacher and author Carlyle Marney argued that what is essential about us is not our having or our doing, but our being. To illustrate, he told about a teenage girl who was a quadriplegic. Marney described her as having “a little voice”—no use of her arms or her legs, but a fine mind. This young woman, he said, was asked if she wouldn’t as soon be done with it all. She replied, “I wouldn’t have missed being for anything.”
There’s the wonder of being, and there’s also the wonder of being cared for. The psalmist praises God for his love and faithfulness, for saving with “his right hand,” and for his love that “endures forever.”
This praise emphasizes being proud of God. Instead of complaints or angry words, there are shouts of approval. Some years ago, Anton Armstrong gave his final performance as director of the Calvin College Alumni Choir. At the end of the performance, the audience stood and applauded wildly. Armstrong kept coming back for one more bow. Then, when the praise had nearly exhausted itself, an elderly woman, Anton’s mother, shouted, “That’s my boy!” People laughed and applauded still louder.
The psalmist shouts: “That’s my God!”—and we join him in the praise. Before all the movers and shakers of the world, we shout, “Our God is the greatest!”

Dear God, we join the whole company of saints in heaven and on earth in praising you. You are great, O Lord; your name and your word are exalted above all things! Amen.

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