Saturday, August 04, 2007

Benny Hinn to Explain 'Anointed Worship'

Benny Hinn to Explain 'Anointed Worship'
The Atlanta Journal and Constitution is reporting that Benny Hinn will be holding a 2 day conference at the Georgia World Congress Center starting tonight. Said the AJC:
Hinn says his Training for Ministry conference will teach attendees how to experience "anointed" worship and minister to others.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Hinn's "ministry". "Anointed worship" occurs when you empty out your wallet while watching Hinn preform a 'healing' circus act. "Anointed worship" Benny Hinn style costs gullible people around the world over $200 million a year and keeps Hinn living the good life. click here for video

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