Saturday, August 04, 2007


If you are interested in the recent movement against Calvinism, you'll want to hear Spurgeon's thoughts in the matter to get the other side of the issue. Spurgeon was one of the greatest Baptist Calvinists of Christian history, and you'd be hard pressed to find a better defense of the doctrines of grace than his! Here are some areas to get you started:

Election - "Whatever may be said about the doctrine of election, it is written in the Word of God as with an iron pen, and there is no getting rid of it; there it stands."

Disbelief of Election - "I believe the man who is not willing to submit to the electing love and sovereign grace of God, has great reason to question whether he is a Christian at all, for the spirit that kicks against that is the spirit of the devil, and the spirit of the unhumbled, unrenewed heart."

Total Inability - "No man ever made himself to live. No preacher, however earnest, can make one hearer to live. No parent, however prayerful, no teacher, however tearful, can make a child live unto God. “You hath HE quickened,” is true of all who are quickened."

Limited Atonement - "I may be called Antinomian or Calvinist for preaching a limited atonement; but I had rather believe a limited atonement that is efficacious for all men for whom it was intended, than a universal atonement that is not efficacious for anybody, except the will of man be joined with it."

Irresistable Grace - "I take it that the highest proof of Christ’s power is not that he offers salvation, not that he bids you take it if you will, but that when you reject it, when you hate it, when you despise it, he has a power whereby he can change your mind, make you think differently from your former thoughts, and turn you from the error of your ways."

Perseverance of the Saints - "Final perseverance is the necessary evidence of genuine conversion."

Despite what many in our churches tell us today, orthodox Christianity- orthodox Baptists were Calvinists! The modern day missions movements, the greatest preachers and evangelists, the translators of the King James Bible were Calvinists! It saddens our hearts when we see Christian schools, churches, and ministries departing from their heritage and from sound Biblical truth. May we all become more diligent students of the word- and of the great doctrines of the Bible. If you would like to contact us regarding these issues.

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