Sunday, August 12, 2007

Harry Potter, The Facts and The Concerns

Recently on The Mike Corley Program, Brian Flynn of One Truth Ministries, regarded as an authority on the New Age and mystical practices joined me to discuss the Harry Potter craze (read Brian’s article Harry Potter vs. Lord of the Rings) and why many find it harmless and some in the church are even using it as a “ministry tool”. Brian shared his testimony and really shed light on the obsession so many have with Harry Potter and the occult in general. You can listen to the my interview with Brian Flynn at our site, and find out more about Brian, his ministry and resources at

1 comment:

Shannon said...

If in any way it would not please God, should we do it?

If there is even a slight chance that it may reap dangerous results immediately or even years later, WHY WOULD YOU EVEN CHANCE IT?!

I have been looked at strangely many of times by making known in school or wherever else that my kids are not to watch a lot of cartoons and movies that many parents allow their kids to watch and think nothing of it.

Especially in today's world we as parents really need to be aware of the evil that surrounds us and the consequences that it can reap - especially in our children. The enemy is a Deceiver and will use any means (the tv especially) to get into our lives. So BEWARE!!!