Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Importance of a Sincere Testimony

READ Psalm 78:1-7

What is a testimony? Some Christians think it’s simply a brief account of how God has worked in their life. While that may be partially true, our testimony is much more than just a short story.One important aspect of our testimony is our character, which should include a spirit of obedience.

Do we follow God’s instruction on occasion but ignore Him the rest of the time? An obedient spirit follows the Lord’s guidance, no matter what. Sometimes our actions may outwardly display obedience, but nobody—with the exception of God— knows what lies within our heart. What He sees is our true character, and it should line up with the story we tell others to glorify Him.Our conduct, or what we do, is another facet of our testimony. If what we say conflicts with our behavior, then we cloud our witness. Unbelievers may consider us hypocritical or doubt the genuineness of our faith. The way we act should confirm who we are in Christ.

Finally, a third part of our testimony is our conversation. As Psalm 107:2 says, “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.” This gives us an opportunity to tell others what God is doing in our lives. Our words can be significant to an unbeliever who doubts the existence of God or the divinity of Christ.When our character, conduct, and conversation fail to match who we are in Christ, we hamper our ability to reach others with the gospel. A testimony can make the difference between doubt and faith in the life of an unbeliever. How authentic is your personal testimony?

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Very convicting. Makes the soul search.....