Monday, January 14, 2008

Comments Concerning Lititz Grace By Rev. Charles J. Paul

The following three comments were made to J&J Bible Ministries. Concerning the last posting to Lititz Grace entitled Lititz Grace Chose To Ignore Meeting Over Doctrine...

Mark said...
"If you had received an email from Rick Warren or Bill Hybels, you and your staff would have responded with open arms immediately."This statement speaks volumes!
January 12, 2008 2:58:00 PM EST

Anonymous said...
I applaud every church that wants to win seekers, connect postmoderns with Jesus, and impact baby boomers or generation X or millennials or whatever. God loves people and they all need Christ regardless of their culture or their background or whatever. The problem I have had through the years is with the notion that if you are really serious about reaching these secular generations you have to somehow get beyond the Bible. Churches pride themselves on their cultural relevancy as they play Beatles songs in the Sunday service, and jettison the Bible to the back seat in favor of felt-need talks on subjects of supposed interest to the secular mind. This philosophy has divided countless churches across our country as Christians and God's Spirit within them are starving to be fed biblical depth and challenge. Jesus' commands to "feed my sheep" are skirted in favor of the priority of preaching to lost secular people without the Word of God. All of this is defended from the Mars Hill sermon of Acts 17????
January 12, 2008 6:57:00 PM EST

Anonymous said...
"As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly." - Proverbs 26:11 In consideration of all the scriptural neglect Hybels and his colleagues have facilitated over the years trying to "transform the planet," (sounds like an alien invasion) is Hybels' oopsy-daisy admission that "We made a mistake" his idea of repentance? Seeing as we're talking about the founder of the world's largest and most influential seeker-sensitive church, it would certainly seem so. But, if this pragmatic preacher doesn't expect real repentance from his "converts," I suppose we shouldn't expect it from him either

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