Friday, January 11, 2008

Lititz Grace Chose To Ignore Meeting Over Doctrine. By Rev Charles J Paul

Dear Scott Distler,

Concerning the last email I sent you on January 8, 2008, which you can see, below, let me get right to the point.

I find it appalling that one Pastor sends another Pastor an email wishing to discuss doctrine –Holy Scripture- and it is ignored; in this specific case, I got no response.

I have heard from some people that attend your church and who have seen this open email I sent you that they, too, want to see a doctrinal change for the better take place at Lititz Grace. But what is even more sad, Scott, is another true statement that I will make now. Even though you may continue to ignore my emails, you know that the following is true: If you had received and email from Rick Warren or Bill Hybels, you and your staff would have responded with open arms immediately.

Since you have chosen to ignore me, I do hereby at this time publicly declare that you and your staff apparently do not take seriously the doctrines of Holy Scripture. From you lack of response, it is clear that you are not interested in a God-driven church, but merely a corporate driven church.

I am letting you know that I will publicly continue to warn people of the dangers of the theology taught at Lititz Grace, but please know that I will continue to pray for you and your staff. If our Lord should so move on your heart, my offer to meet with you over Holy Scripture will still be available to you and your staff.


Rev. Charles Paul

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