Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Making Jesus 'In Our Own Image'

Dont just look at this post and move on. Even if you shake your head, ask yourself do I do this in my own walk with Christ. Do I form the Jesus I want to serve. Well let me say this, when it get's to the point with you that the Truth Does Not Matter and Doctrine is Trivial,And You begin to follow man not God and the church becomes more like the world, Preaching turns into story time and worship a man centered event. Then whether or not you buy these figurines does not Matter, in your heart you have made Jesus into the image that you are comfortable with.But in the end what will Stand will be God's Word and that is because TRUTH DOES MATTER. Charles J Paul

Sometimes it is best if we limit our comments.
This is one of those times. If we let you know just how disgusted we are with these figurines we'd end up committing a l sin.
Here's all we'll say on the matter.
These figurines are available for purchase thanks to the marketing efforts of a company called "Fishermen, Inc.". This clever company has made it possible for you to pick and choose the Jesus that best fits your personal tastes and hobbies. The idea here is to make a Jesus in your own image. (Isn't that the very definition of an idol?)
We're still waiting for them to make a Jesus that is appealing to middle-aged, over-weight, balding, couch potatoes. That's a Jesus that many of us could REALLY relate with.
Click Here to See the Entire Collection.

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