Whats Wrong With This Video? You see thats the problem with alot of Pastors Today. You treat SEX as if it is a hidden thing, never to be talked about. In that Video, the correct terms were used for the Womans Body, Vagina, & Breasts. Why do you have a problem with this. You see this video was done to help people to see how well they know each other. But it also reached into another area, SEX. You see we need to set an example at home. Kids need to see Mom and Dad love each other. Kids need to see effection, Kids need to be able to understand Sex in a Marriage and its purpose. IF we do this, we will impact the Teen Pregnancy, STD, Suicides & Abortions.
Let me ask you, Do You Teach about Sex From The Pulpit? Or Do You do Confrences about Family? Or are you ashamed when Sex is brought up? Are you uncomfortable? I will tell you this, if you do not teach on it, Who Will???
So Before you tRash Another Church for Doing Something About It, Maybe Look Into your Own Congregation and see what Family is like there and ask them some questions to see if they understand.
With all do respect to you, I must say that after redaing your comments over the last several weeks I can see that what flows from your lips is as good as dung.
You are a perfect example of why we need to see a modern day reformation in our churches and in our world.
Whats Wrong With This Video? You see thats the problem with alot of Pastors Today. You treat SEX as if it is a hidden thing, never to be talked about. In that Video, the correct terms were used for the Womans Body, Vagina, & Breasts. Why do you have a problem with this. You see this video was done to help people to see how well they know each other. But it also reached into another area, SEX. You see we need to set an example at home. Kids need to see Mom and Dad love each other. Kids need to see effection, Kids need to be able to understand Sex in a Marriage and its purpose. IF we do this, we will impact the Teen Pregnancy, STD, Suicides & Abortions.
Let me ask you, Do You Teach about Sex From The Pulpit? Or Do You do Confrences about Family? Or are you ashamed when Sex is brought up? Are you uncomfortable? I will tell you this, if you do not teach on it, Who Will???
So Before you tRash Another Church for Doing Something About It, Maybe Look Into your Own Congregation and see what Family is like there and ask them some questions to see if they understand.
With all do respect to you, I must say that after redaing your comments over the last several weeks I can see that what flows from your lips is as good as dung.
You are a perfect example of why we need to see a modern day reformation in our churches and in our world.
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