Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christian Life Center Warned of Unbiblical Teaching by Rev. C. J. Paul

TO: David Cawston, Del Smith
FROM: Truth Matters, Inc.

It has come to our attention here at Truth Matters that on Thursday evening, December 20, 2007 you are scheduled to have Jentezen Franklin speak at your church. I am writing you this most urgent email in the hopes that you will take a close, Biblical look at what you are doing.

Men such as Jentezen Franklin believe that you can simply buy a blessing from God. The majority of the scripture texts that he uses to support his claims are used out of context. I am asking you to take a very close look at the following articles:

Please take a close, Biblical, look at the position that Jentezen Franklin holds, and we pray that you will reach the same conclusion. We therefore urge you to refrain from exposing your congregation and the community-at-large to these lies.

We would like to give you this opportunity to provide a public explanation as to why you would hold to such an unbiblical position as stated above and immediately cease and desist from such a gathering. Remember that there are innocent lives at stake here, and we are compelled by Scripture to confront such untruth.

If I do not hear from you by the time Jentezen Franklin speaks at your facility, I will take your silence as confirmation that you adhere to such teachings as Jentezen Franklin proclaims. Truth Maters will then begin to publicly warn people in your community of the false Gospel that is taught and accepted from the leaders of CLC.

We are calling Jentezen Franklin and the leaders of CLC, today, amidst our dying culture, to repent of this worldliness, to recover and confess the truth of God's Word as did the Reformers, and to see that truth embodied in doctrine, worship, and life.

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