Sunday, December 09, 2007

Questions 17-20 from the Westminster Shorter Catechism. For your Family Devotion today.

Q17: Into what estate did the fall bring mankind?

A17: The fall brought mankind into an estate of sin and misery.[1] 1. Rom. 5:12

Q18: Wherein consists the sinfulness of that estate whereinto man fell?

A18: The sinfulness of that estate whereinto man fell, consists in the guilt of Adam's first sin,[1] the want of original righteousness,[2] and the corruption of his whole nature, which is commonly called Original Sin;[3] together with all actual transgressions which proceed from it.[4]
1. Rom. 5:192. Rom. 3:103. Eph. 2:1; Psa. 51:54. Matt. 15:19-20

Q19: What is the misery of that estate whereinto man fell?

A19: All mankind by their fall lost communion with God,[1] are under his wrath and curse,[2] and so made liable to all miseries in this life, to death itself, and to the pains of hell for ever.[3]
1. Gen. 3:8, 242. Eph. 2:3; Gal. 3:103. Rom. 6:23; Matt. 25:41

Q20: Did God leave all mankind to perish in the estate of sin and misery?

A20: God having, out of his mere good pleasure, from all eternity, elected some to everlasting life,[1] did enter into a covenant of grace, to deliver them out of the estate of sin and misery, and to bring them into an estate of salvation by a Redeemer.[2]
1. Eph. 1:42. Rom. 3:21-22

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