Friday, December 21, 2007

Truth Matters Responds to Christian Life Centers Last Email to us.

Again you have evaded my last two emails. You seem to not want to discuss the Truth of God’s Word. You say that you are not compromising God’s Word. But in know way do you defend your position. As far as your comment about walls. Let me say if bringing the Truth of Scripture to a Pastor who is not teaching sound doctrine. Is looked at as putting up walls then I would suggest you take another look at your definition of walls.

We are Commanded in Holy Scripture where our Holy God’ Speaks to us. To Contend for the Truth. And also to expose error. So you must see that it is Holy Scripture that first disagrees with you. I am only the bond servant bringing the message.

Let’s look at your comment about a Hall Monitor. Remember the only person who does not like a hall Monitor is the person breaking the law he knows the hall monitor will enforce.

By you saying this is the last email I will receive shows me your unwillingness to discuss what truly does matter. And that is God’s Holy Word.

Truth matters will always be available to you and anyone on your staff. Should you ever want to discuss the Doctrines of God?

Rev. Charles J. Paul

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