Tuesday, October 23, 2007

DAY TWO FROM LAKE MARY........ By Rev. Charles J. Paul

What a power packed conference so far, classes have been on
1- God centered worship.
2- God centered theology.
3- Sacred space and time.
4- The Eclipse of God.
5- Narrative preaching.
6- Expository Preaching.

My morning classes where topped-off by a private meeting with Dr RC Sproul. Joe and I met with him, and I was able to share more of the movement of Truth Matters, and to also hear the timeless wisdom given to me by Dr Sproul. The meeting ended with Dr Sproul giving his blessing to Truth Matters, and also offering his support.

We have met so many wonderful pastor’s who are of like mind in the Truth of God’s Word. each moment here we can see the power of God’s Word fill not only our soul but it can be felt down the halls and in the break rooms.

I will leave for now with this thought on Preaching the Book.

To step into the pulpit is to enter onto holy ground. To stand behind an open bible demands no trifling with sacred things. To be a spokesman for God requires utmost concern and care in handling and proclaiming the Word. Rightly does Scripture warn,
“Not many of you should become teachers; my brothers for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.” [James 3:1]

But sad to say, we live in a generation that has compromised this sacred calling to preach. Exposition is being replaced with entertainment, preaching with performances, doctrine with drama, and theology with theatrics. Desperately does the modern church need to recover its way and return to a pulpit that is bible based, Christ centered, and life changing. God has always been pleased to honor His Word PREACHED.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Nice picture!!
I am so glad ot hear of the growth and progress for Truth Matters and also for your own spiritual well being.
Can't wait to hear what happens next....
P.S. Bran said "Hey, there's pop-pop"