Why the Word Heretic?
Some people have asked me why we use the word Heretic to describe the teachings of those men listed at the bottom of our web sites front page. http://www.truthmattersinc.org/
The word Heretic may sound like a harsh word, but once we see its definition in the context we are using it we will see that it fits those who have received it as a label of their teachings.
Let’s begin by breaking down its definition into three parts.
1- HERETIC- A dissenter from established religious dogma.
One who dissents from an accepted belief or doctrine.
2- DISENT- to differ in opinion. To withhold assent
3- DOCTRINE- teaching, instruction. A principle or position or the body of principles in a branch of knowledge or system of belief [dogma]
Ok with that said we can see that a Heretic is someone who is on a downward move away from the original and for our case in point that is the full authority of Holy Scripture, not man’s opinion or even church councils and boards because we know that they can and have errored.
So then we are now faced with the question who would be considered a Heretic? Some today would think as long as a Pastor mentions the virgin birth, the death on the cross, and the resurrection of Christ he is some how covered and can not be a Heretic. But what I am saying must be looked at in light of Holy Scripture. We have today before us a major error taking place in so many pulpits even more than are named on our front page.
That error is in the lack of structure and teaching in the doctrine of Justification through Faith ALONE. You see this is the foundational doctrine in which the church stands or falls. Please see a complete doctrinal break down at http://www.truthmattersinc.org/declarations.html
So here is how I see it through the eyes of Holy Scripture. If someone is not going to preach all of the truth and continues to take Scripture out of context leading people astray, then I clearly see their teaching as being in a descent downward making that teaching Heretical.
It is our hope here at Truth Matters that God’s people fall in love with the purity of His Holy Word by presenting them with what MATTERS most, the TRUTH of God’s Word.
We also pray for those many pastors’ and teacher’s who have gone astray. That through the bold proclamation of His Truth their eyes are opened and they turn from there error to the Truth.
Some people have asked me why we use the word Heretic to describe the teachings of those men listed at the bottom of our web sites front page. http://www.truthmattersinc.org/
The word Heretic may sound like a harsh word, but once we see its definition in the context we are using it we will see that it fits those who have received it as a label of their teachings.
Let’s begin by breaking down its definition into three parts.
1- HERETIC- A dissenter from established religious dogma.
One who dissents from an accepted belief or doctrine.
2- DISENT- to differ in opinion. To withhold assent
3- DOCTRINE- teaching, instruction. A principle or position or the body of principles in a branch of knowledge or system of belief [dogma]
Ok with that said we can see that a Heretic is someone who is on a downward move away from the original and for our case in point that is the full authority of Holy Scripture, not man’s opinion or even church councils and boards because we know that they can and have errored.
So then we are now faced with the question who would be considered a Heretic? Some today would think as long as a Pastor mentions the virgin birth, the death on the cross, and the resurrection of Christ he is some how covered and can not be a Heretic. But what I am saying must be looked at in light of Holy Scripture. We have today before us a major error taking place in so many pulpits even more than are named on our front page.
That error is in the lack of structure and teaching in the doctrine of Justification through Faith ALONE. You see this is the foundational doctrine in which the church stands or falls. Please see a complete doctrinal break down at http://www.truthmattersinc.org/declarations.html
So here is how I see it through the eyes of Holy Scripture. If someone is not going to preach all of the truth and continues to take Scripture out of context leading people astray, then I clearly see their teaching as being in a descent downward making that teaching Heretical.
It is our hope here at Truth Matters that God’s people fall in love with the purity of His Holy Word by presenting them with what MATTERS most, the TRUTH of God’s Word.
We also pray for those many pastors’ and teacher’s who have gone astray. That through the bold proclamation of His Truth their eyes are opened and they turn from there error to the Truth.
It is not my intent to offend but to contend for the Truth of Holy Scripture. But if my boldness has been an offense then I must say with even more Holy boldness, take the teaching of these men and others before Holy Scripture and there it will stand or fall.
What I have said in the above statement is my stand before God on Heretical teachings.
What I have said in the above statement is my stand before God on Heretical teachings.
May God have Mercy on His Church.
1 comment:
Truth does NOT matter to those who won't seek it!!!
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