Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pastors Are Called to Teach, and Therefore Study

Quoting Albert Barnes . . .
Since the principal business of a preacher of the gospel is to "teach", or to communicate to his fellow-men the knowledge of the truth, the necessity of this qualification for a pastor to be skilled at teaching is obvious. No one should be allowed to enter the ministry who is not qualified to impart "instruction" to others on the doctrines and duties of religion; and no one should feel that he ought to continue in the ministry, who doesn't have the work ethic, self-denial, and the love of study that constantly drives him to increase in knowledge, in order that he can be qualified to teach others. A man who would teach a people, must himself keep in advance of them on the subjects on which he would instruct them.
Barnes' Notes on 1 Timothy 3 - (19th century bible commentary)

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